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It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

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Water consumption
and rates

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It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

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Bills and

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It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

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Who is also updated on WhatsApp

It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

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Customer Servicechevron-bottom


Who is also updated on WhatsApp

It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

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Welcome to Ra’anana Water, the water corporation of Ra’anana and the surrounding area. The corporation was established in 2009 to advance and develop the water and sewage infrastructure in the city of Ra’anana, while adhering to high standards of quality and service for the residents’ benefit.

In our view, installing water lines, handling sewage, or managing water meters are merely aspects of our broader role: serving the residents. That is why we do not only focus on replacing pipelines but also on transparency towards the residents. We address not just routine issues in the city’s water and sewage system but also engage in continuous, sustained efforts to improve service for the residents. We develop new water wells for the residents’ benefit and achieve international quality standards and Platinum Mark certifications, reflecting our uncompromising effort to improve for the residents.

This website is part of that effort, aimed at improving and making information more accessible to residents. When we developed and upgraded the site, we had the residents of Ra’anana in mind. If you will, ‘Mrs. Cohen’ from Ra’anana. We examined the needs, demands, and requests of the city’s residents and did our best to tailor the site to these requirements. This is why we chose to emphasize self-service options to ease the residents’ experience. On the site, you will find options to change your residential address, update the number of household members, pay water bills, change payers, and more. All of this is for you.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the company’s board of directors and employees whose dedication to the vision, goals, and objectives of the work plan brings Ra’anana Water to a leading position nationwide, both in various quality parameters and in terms of managing a modern and advanced water and sewage system.

Replacement of the Hashahar Street water line

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We are here for you

It is important to us to allow you all the ways and channels to be in touch with us, at any moment, in a way that is convenient for you

Mei Raanana also on WhatsApp

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